Back to College 101

It's that time of year where summer is winding down and the kids are beginning to get ready to go back to school.  I love this time period where the days are still hot but the nights are starting to get cooler.  August is like the Sunday of summer.  

Technically, I start my Junior year of college next week as a non-traditional transfer student.  To say I am super excited is a understatement.  I am taking 2 night classes on campus and 2 online classes, while working full time. I get asked all of time time, how do you do it, how do you stay organized and... sane?  Well, to prepare for the upcoming week and start of the Fall semester, I wanted to share some ways I am prepared and ready to take on the school year.

Organize Your Planner

I honestly believe I couldn't get by without my planner.  I write down class assignments, projects, exams, etc. in my planner.  Some prefer to schedule everything in their phones calendar or work off the syllabus, you have to figure out what exactly works for you.  I actually really enjoy taking online courses, I find most professors will give a list of assignments along with their suggested due dates.  I try to stay ahead of the due dates in case any personal life setbacks occur during the week. I just want to share I picked up my planner at TJMaxx.  They have a large selection and it was hard to narrow it down to just one! Of course I completed my look with a super cute book bag. 

Make Your Desk The Perfect Study Spot 

I highly recommend having a designated spot where you do your work.  Make the space inspiring and happy.  I hated using my bed as a place to study. More often than not, I would want to just take a nap.  This past month I ended up ordering a desk that would fit in my room along with a comfortable chair.  I bought the perfect lamp that has a stand for my phone as well as a USB charger.   After several trips  to a few different stores, I found the perfect decor to set the vibes for my desk.  

Take a Break From Social Media & Electronics

This should actually come as my number one rule.  As comforting as it is to stay in your sweats and do endless hours of homework only needing to get up for food and drinks, it is important to leave that environment, if there are distractions preventing you to concentrate 100%.  I can count on 1 hand the number of times I turned on my TV in my bedroom last year during my school semesters.  What I found to really help me was every Saturday I would pack up my bag and head to a Panera, claim a table and study for hours.  It was a change of scenery, it got my out of my house (aside from work) and I actually enjoyed the atmosphere and I found myself to be very productive.  I highly suggest to either ignore your phone all together, or utilize that "do not disturb" function.  

Stay Motivated

I honestly think this is the most asked question.  I guess it is something I haven't really put much thought into, just actions.  "Motivation" could be alone a BLOG topics itself.  With most things in life, to stay motived you need to have at least some interest in that subject whether it's school, nutrition, hobbies etc.  You are probably not going to watch a golf game on TV if you have zero interest in the sport.  Same with nutrition, you are probably not going to meal prep for the week if you have no interest in watching what you are eating or the time to do so.  I am a planner.  I like to know what I am going to eat for the week.  I only buy what I am going to eat for the week because I hate to waste food. For me, eating well puts me in a good mood and state of well being.  

These are just a few helpful pointers that keep me on track and prepared week to week. Feel free to suggest some ideas! Next month I will be posting a BLOG featuring my favorite products that I have blogged and suggested along with links on where to purchase them and more information so don't forget to check back! And as always...........

                                                                      Bee Kind ©


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